KAMLife's Mission is to educate the public on a variety of platforms, which include: personal & small group training, sports-specific training, corporate wellness & educational forums, nutritional consulting, and continuing education, so we can continue to assist our clients, student-athletes, and our core professionals by making this world a better place for you and me.

KAMLife was started by Khalid McLeod (KAM) close to 20 years ago. With over 25 years of experience in the Fitness, Sports, and Clinical arena's, KAM decided to go independent as interests grew to provide information on a variety of platforms.
As a former athlete, KAM was exposed to different realms of fitness and opportunities, so it was only fitting that he shared his experiences, knowledge, and wisdom with others in the clinical and commercial arenas.
While continuing his journey through the health industry, he ran into various individuals who have helped mentor, assist, and encourage his vision. The byproduct of these experiences is a vast platform to educate & train the public on a variety of areas in health, fitness, sports, and education.
Whether he is giving a lecture to a University of students on a topic in public health; or Teaching a CEU course to various health professionals, or Working with a variety of individuals in a small group or 1-on-1 format, KAM continues to educate the public from various backgrounds, age-demographics, and fitness levels. It is truly his Life's work.

Teen Fitness & SAQ Training
Mondays: SAQ & Teen 4p (Girls)
SAQ & Teen 5p (Boys) 7:30 (G) 8:30 (B)
Tuesdays: SAQ & Teen 5p (Girls)
7:15p (Boys) 8:15 (Advanced-mixed)
Wednesdays: Teen Fitness 5p (Mixed)
8:30 (Advanced Training)
Thursdays: SAQ & Teen 5p (Girls)
7:15p (Boys) 8:15 (Mixed)
Fridays: Teen Fitness 5p (Mixed)
Sundays: Classes 1st come/1st serve

"KamLife started offering a Recovery program at Anytime Fitness that helps reduce inflammation, increase your range of motion and give you better quality of life. I started doing the program in January after trying it during a demo. My goal was to eliminate the severe lower back pain I was having from too much standing and sitting. Even with a three week hiatus for vacation, I have had NO back or hip pain and I have maintained my flexibility. I had also been getting cervical vertigo and migraines and both have dissipated. I am a believer that adding this component is far more effective than most massage and gives you the benefit of deep tissue massage with the extreme pain and stretching."

"Khalid is one of the most dedicated, hard-working professionals you will find in the field. He comes to work every day with a smile on his face, but don't be fooled, he will make you work very hard so that you can achieve the goals that you set. Khalid worked with me throughout my high school and collegiate years by bringing me up to speed through nutritional education, and training sessions and even helped me rehab through 2 separate knee injuries, which ultimately helped me recover enough to participate as a varsity soccer player with the University of Mary Washington. His wealth of knowledge is applicable to not only athletes but anyone trying to make healthy lifestyle changes and I highly recommend Khalid for anything nutrition or fitness related. Truly is a pleasure to work with and taught me valuable lessons that will stick with me for life."